Saturday 6 September 2008

VCs fund the semantic web, ESTC08 runs start-up competition

Commercialising R&D can be a challenge in some markets more than others. What is interesting about semantic technology is that venture capitalists and other investors now really seem to get it. One novel feature we are adding to the ESTC 2008 event I've mentioned before, is to offer a forum for new business ideas and ventures, as well talking about the latest research, development and business benefits of the technology. A lot of this will be done informally but there’s also a business idea competition. Calling it a dragons' den is perhaps going too far but we will be putting entrants in direct contact with a set of judges who are passionate about getting great semantic technology from the lab and into the market. And for one I am looking forward to hearing the pitches and announcing the finalist.


Anonymous said...

Here's another approach to triggering semantic tech start-ups

Nick K said...


Will real money be available?

John Davies said...

Nick K - yep, there's a cash prize for the winners!